Last week I spoke of the special time of going deep within, to rearrange your world when the plans and dreams you had no longer fit.This time that requires kindness and patience.
Sometimes coming out of this stage is not easy. It may not be the sudden emergence of new, wonderful, fulfilling dreams that we hope that it will be. Sometimes the future is far less clear, but we feel that the time has come to move on into the next phase. We know when it’s time. We feel it!
Even if ideas are quite clear, dreams and hopes are elusive. They can easily crash. All dreams need to be brought safely to ground to be of best use. No matter how well they fly high in our minds, dreams need a parachute and landing gear.
Sometimes our dreams are well formed and plans to actualise them can be quite specific. At other times when the path forward is less certain, only a directional plan can be made, but that also needs to be defined, or there will most possibly be no landing.
SMART and SMARTER is a much used concept to ensure the possibility of your plans.
For those unfamiliar with this I will explain. The words are acronyms each representing a criteria your plan should meet. They are as follows:
S. Is you goal SPECIFIC? (can you articulate your goal?)
M. Is it MEASURABLE? (how do you judge your progress?)
B . Is your plan ACHIEVABLE? (can you actually do the thing?)
R. Is it REALISTIC? (are you setting your bat too high?)
T. Is it the right TIME? (perhaps good goal but for later?)
If the goal doesn’t quite work, don’t give up….
E. EVALUATE which criteria didn’t work….and
R. RESET…………………………………….make it SMARTER !!!
Till next week